Sphere Youth Theatre invites you to ‘The Gallery’ 15th June Save the Date!

Step into a world of imagination at “The Gallery”! Presented by Sphere Youth Theatre, this captivating performance showcases the creative talents of young performers, blending playfulness with profound storytelling.

Immerse yourself in the artistry of youth at “The Gallery,” a mesmerizing theatrical experience curated by Sphere Youth Theatre. Directed by visionary mentors Graham O’Neill and Gary Mullen, this performance explores the limitless possibilities of creativity. Through movement, sound, and improvisation, young performers breathe life into original narratives, offering glimpses into their vibrant imaginations. Join us on June 15th for a journey of discovery and delight!

This event is part of the national Crinniu na Nog celebrations taking place across the country on June 15th.

Join us at St Benedicts Resource Centre Kilbarrack for the first live drama performance by Sphere Youth Theatre!

Performance 1:  1pm – 2pm

Performance 2: 3pm – 4pm

Sphere Youth Theatre ( The Gallery 2)
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